LIBOR Transition - Be Prepared!
March 18, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CST
*This event is no longer open and has already taken place
In this session, we are focusing on the inevitable transition from the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) from a borrower’s perspective. We address SOFR “math” with insight into the mechanics of the transition and answer the question plaguing so many on this subject – what should I do next?
How did we get here? We will begin with a brief history on LIBOR and the current transition timetable from the Alternative Reference Rate Committee. The presentation will continue with a deeper understanding of SOFR and the economics surrounding the LIBOR-SOFR transition related to loans and derivatives. Importantly, we will discuss some of the perceived shortcomings of SOFR and alternatives being considered by market participants. Might there be market opportunities ahead of a formal conversion? Finally, we will conclude with the “do’s and don’ts” of transition preparation and hedge accounting considerations.
Key Objectives & Key Take-Aways:
Understand the reason for LIBOR cessation and the mechanics of SOFR.
Learn about SOFR and where it is and isn’t an appropriate replacement index.
Understand how the value of your portfolio might be impacted by the transition.
Identify the action items in preparation for an ultimate transition.
Level: Basic
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Field of Study: Finance
CPE Credit(s): 1
Delivery Method: Group Live
Cost: FREE
Meet Your Presenters:
Samuel M. Gruer
Managing Director
Scott A. Talcott
Senior Vice President
Brandon H. Lippold
Assistant Vice President

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