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The Shield - Special News Alert

Blue Rose Marketing

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

By: Scott Talcott, Senior Vice President

Recently, Moody’s released a proposed update to their higher education rating methodology. The update proposes to combine their existing methodology for four-year higher educational institutions with that for community colleges issuing revenue-backed debt; revise scorecard metrics, weights, and ranges (including replacements and additions); and assign issuer ratings to U.S. colleges and universities. Moody’s also indicates that the updated methodology is expected to change less than 5% of ratings. The update is currently in a “Request for Comment” period until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on May 17, 2021. Moody’s is hosting webinars to explain the proposed methodology, with one being held for issuers at 2:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, April 20th. Their full rating methodology explanation can be found on the Moody’s website at the following link: Moody's Proposed Update*, or you can request a copy from your Blue Rose advisor.

*Requires a Moody’s login


For more information about how the proposed rating methodology

might impact your institution, please reach out to your Blue Rose advisor.


Contact the Author:

Scott Talcott, Senior Vice President

Minneapolis Office

Office: 952-746-6042​


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